Educators have always been our heroes.
But today, as you rise to the challenges that our education system is facing due to COVID-19, we appreciate you even more. As you adapt to reaching your students through online platforms, we want to do what we can to support you. Our team of veteran music educators has developed a series of “at home” lessons that you can use as inspiration for your own plans in the weeks and months to come.
Lessons for Choral Programs
Vocal Health Unit (choir/musical theatre)
This vocal health unit can be modified to work for your students.
Lullaby Lyrics
Students will create their own lyrics to a lullaby melody. The melody is written in solfege giving them the opportunity to practice simple sight-reading with an accompanying video.
Program Your Own Choral Concert
Students will listen to a wide variety of choral selections on youtube and choose 5 pieces to program on a concert. Students will defend why they chose each piece and how it connects to the overall theme.
Program Notes (Chorus)
Students will research historical and cultural information on repertoire selections of the directors choosing.
Lessons for Band & Orchestra Programs
Musical Storytelling
We know them as “tone poems”, “symphonic poems”, or “program music”—pieces that musically portray a particular story, event, setting, or other non-musical source.
Program Your Own Band Concert
Students will listen to a wide variety of wind band selections on YouTube and choose 4 works to program on a concert and set a performance order.
Program Your Own Orchestra Concert
Students will listen to a wide variety of orchestra selections on YouTube and choose 4 works to program on a concert and set a performance order.
Program Notes (Band & Orchestra)
Students will research historical and cultural information on repertoire selections of the directors choosing.
Lessons for All Programs
TikTok Rhythms
In this activity students will perform a given rhythm or create one of their own to perform.
Music History in Your Family
In this activity, students will interview family members to inquire about their involvement in music.
Popular Music by the Decades
In this activity, students will research the historical events and popular music of a decade.
Music Advocacy (band/choir/orchestra/general music)
In this activity, students will answer questions about music advocacy. Teachers can use the included articles and check comprehension.
Letter to Future Self
In this activity, students will learn about the power of setting goals. After viewing the Power Point, write a letter to your future self. Write down the goals that you want to accomplish between now and your last day of this class.
Musical Theatre History Power Point
In this activity, students will create a Power Point on a musical.
Additional Resources
Shed the Music
BRT has partnered with Shedthemusic.com to bring you daily music education content to use with remote learning.
Introductory approach to student conducting
If you have students or are a student interested in auditioning for Drum Major, this training video from Smith Walbridge Clinics, is a great starting point.
Education from a Distance
As both teachers and their classroom communities move to learning online, here are some resources that may make that transition a little easier.
Zoom Tips
Tips and tricks for virtual lessons.