Big, small and everything in between – trips for every size of performance group

Nov 29, 2017

Travel Notes

“Our group is too small to make a trip worth it.”

“We have too many students to go to New York City.”

“I thought you only work with big schools.”

These are concerns we hear every year, from directors across the country. So we thought we’d take today’s post to address some common misconceptions about group size and how it affects student travel. And some answers might surprise you!

Our group is too small to make a trip worth it

There are no off the shelf tours here. We take the time to get to know each director, his or her group’s specific needs and craft an itinerary that completely revolves around what that group wants to do. Because every student performance tour is 100% customized, group size rarely matters. Why we say rarely – the only aspect of travel that a smaller group size can affect is reserving motor coaches. If your travel party doesn’t include enough students to fill the coach, your cost can be impacted, as a half full coach affects the per student cost. Outside of that, planning an incredible travel experience for a small group vs. a large group is exactly the same.

We have too many students to go to New York City

Or Chicago, Orlando or Washington, D.C. You name the city and we’ve heard this concern. But when you’ve been planning student travel details for as long as we have, planning for a large group in a large city sounds like another awesome day at the office. Whether you have one motor coach or six motor coaches descending upon the Big Apple, we have those logistics down to a science. We’ll show your 300-member show choir the trip of a lifetime.

I thought you only worked with big schools

This comment always makes us smile, because we know how many of our clients with smaller programs work with us year after year.  Regardless of the size, if your group has a travel dream, we’re in. Because we truly believe in creating those “moments that matter” and those aren’t just reserved for students at big schools.

We’re so thankful for all of our clients, large and small. We want 2018 to be an incredible year of performance travel for students across the country, in schools of every size. So if you have a concern that’s not on this list, give us a call and we’ll answer any and all of your questions. Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

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