Why booking early really does matter

Mar 8, 2018

Travel Notes

This time of year is one of our busiest – from March 10 to April 10 we’ll be traveling with over 200 groups to incredible destinations around the world. The student performers we’ll be accompanying will experience clinics with master musicians, performances in world-renowned venues, tours, festivals, parades, theme parks, boat rides, dinners, memories – phew, that list is long! But none of those amazing activities would be on the agenda if we hadn’t secured those reservations early. Booking your performance tour early really is the ticket to an incredible, action-packed student experience – so let’s talk about why.

Eat, sleep, travel – booking basics

While we have longstanding relationships with hotels, transportation vendors and restaurants in destinations across the country (and the world!), there are seasons where you just can’t argue with a booked calendar. This is especially true if your group wants to travel during the popular spring break timeframe. That’s why we encourage our clients to book their tours in what we call “the sweet spot” – 12-15 months in advance of the trip itself. This gives us time to secure the ideal lodging, transportation and meals for your students, negotiate the best pricing and lay a solid foundation for an amazing trip. While we’ve found that the 12-15 month timeframe is best, we can often make travel magic with less time – but don’t delay if you can help it. Once we have those booking basics in hand, we can also secure reservations for all the other itinerary extras – tours, clinics and experiences.

Parades and festivals – securing a spot

If your student performers have dreamed of marching in the Rose Parade or participating in the Thanksgiving Parade of Bands, it’s critical to get those applications in early. Our groups have performed in hundreds of parades and festivals, both stateside and internationally and those spots are only secured well in advance. Beyond the paperwork, some of these events require audition tapes, pictures and interviews – a lengthy process. Again, booking early makes all the difference if you’re trying to secure a spot at your group’s dream event.

Fully funded travel

That “sweet spot” of 12-15 months of planning time isn’t just ideal for snagging reservations. It’s also the perfect amount of time for your group to achieve its fundraising goals. That year of fundraising allows your group to put together successful campaigns and events that will offset the cost of each student’s trip. Also, the earlier you plan and announce the trip, the more student families you’ll have commit, as they’ll have enough time to plan and save. Depending on when you start the planning process, you may even be able to use the trip as a recruiting tool for incoming freshman.

Peaceful planning

The benefits of planning early are many, but one of the most notable for our clients is how stress-free the process is. When we have time on our side to secure all the items on your travel wish list, you can focus on “selling” the trip to your students, fundraising and, most importantly, the music. We’ll handle the rest. If you’d like a glimpse into our process, we’d be happy to send you our free guide that breaks down a timeline of planning activities – contact us here to receive yours today!

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