International Travel – Mythbusters Edition

Jul 5, 2018

Travel Notes

Summer has us daydreaming of all the far-off places we’ve been and reliving the feelings of being immersed in new languages, cultures and cuisines. We love traveling internationally with students because there are some lessons that can only be learned abroad. However, we’ve found that many school groups initially dismiss the idea of traveling overseas for a variety ofmyths and misconceptions. Today, let’s tackle those misconceptions and put international travel back on your map.

Myth #1 – It’s too expensive

This is the most frequent misconception we encounter about international travel. In reality, our clients are always surprised at how affordable traveling abroad can be – especially when they consider the value of the trip compared to the cost. Our international itineraries benefit from the relationships we have with vendors all over the world, which give us access to peak availability, off-the-beaten-path experiences,and the best pricing. Any student travel experience will have a profound effect on your students, but an international trip is an experience unlike anything else. The history. The life lessons. The fresh perspective on the world.

While an international trip is understandably more expensive than a stateside experience, it’s worth it – and, like any student trip, possible with a great fundraising strategy.

Myth #2 – It’s too far away

Exposing this misconception just takes some simple math. Group A wants to travel from Ohio to New York for a spring performance tour. Travel time via motor coach = 10 hours. Group B wants to travel from Indiana to Orlando for the Thanksgiving Parade of Bands. Travel time via motor coach = 24 hours. Group C wants to travel from Illinois to Paris. Travel time via airplane = 8 hours. International trips are typically 2-3 days longer than domestic trips because groups want to make the most of their Tim e and see as much as possible. But the distance isn’t an issue when the mode of transportation is so much speedier. Technology has made staying connected on tour so much easier too (thank you FaceTime!), so students have every opportunity to share their experiences with their families back home.

Myth #3 – It’s difficult

An international trip certainly has more logistics than a domestic destination – but that’s why you have an incredible travel planner. Our team knows all of our international destinations inside and out and, as always, we’re your guide from booking to travel day (and beyond!). We’ve traveled abroad with thousands of students and will walk you through every step of the process with the same expert service you’ve experienced on our stateside adventures. Our international team can provide guidance on everything from passports, safety abroad and different cultures – basically, you’ll never have to wonder what to do or when to do it.

International travel truly is the experience of a lifetime for students. To learn more about our most popular destinations abroad, click here. 

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Bob Rogers Travel