At HoMe Lessons

All – Music Advocacy (band, choir, orchestra, general music)

In this activity, students will answer questions about music advocacy. Teachers can use the articles and check comprehension in the following ways:

  • Students answer the questions at the end of each article
  • Generate a class discussion via Zoom
  • Imagine your school board is going to cut the music program due to budget cuts. Write a letter to the school board to convince them to keep music classes intact.


Directions: Download the article(s) and view the TED Talk. After reading the articles and viewing the TED Talk, answer the questions or be prepared to discuss the content in a Zoom call. Your teacher may create additional projects, such as writing a letter to the school board about music advocacy.

  Karl Paulnack Welcome Address with questions (.pdf)

  Benefits of Music Questions (.docx)

  Benefits of Music Article (.pdf)

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