The Spring Break Report

Apr 11, 2019

Travel Notes

Spring is here!

And student travelers are taking the country (and the world!) by storm.
Here’s a snapshot of March through May here at BRT:

Nearly 450 groups traveling in both the U.S. and abroad

Over 35,000 student travelers

Tour Directors leading groups in over 75 destinations

School breaks, beautiful weather and the academic year drawing to a close all make spring an ideal time for students to hit the road. Which means that it’s also the most in demand time to travel. We recommend that our clients book their student travel experiences in what we consider “the sweet spot” – 12-15 months ahead of when they’d like to travel. That means that we’re currently planning next spring’s adventures right now. It’s already presenting challenges to secure motor coaches, hotels and performances for the most popular dates and locations for 2020, so booking early is a must.

It’s fun for our team to see just how many students are traveling this spring, but here’s what we can’t even begin to measure: the impact travel makes on student travelers exploring the world for the very first time. We can’t measure it, because sometimes students can’t even explain what travel has meant to them, but the change is evident. Teachers see it in the classroom. Directors see it in the culture of their programs. Parents see it in the newfound maturity of the children. Some veteran student travelers even make it their careers.


A few of our spring break travelers from last spring share their experience: 

I’ve learned that music is sort of a part of me and it’s also a part of everybody else who came on this trip. Music is what connects us and connects everybody on the trip who’s really good at making music and expressing themselves through music. It’s inspired me. — Ben, Student

One of the things our teachers talked about is that walking down a street in New York is like walking through three different countries at the same time. It’s so amazing to just experience all of that at once and have that opportunity to really see the world in just one little area. It really puts you in your place and helps you recognize that there’s more than suburban Wisconsin, there’s more going on the world. — Kierstyn, Student

I paid for the whole entire trip myself and it was worth every single penny that I had to put into it – it’s the most magical experience in the world for anyone. — Lili, Student

If you’ve got your heart set on a Spring Break tour for next year, or even beyond, we’re ready to get your student travel experience on the calendar before all the best vendors, experiences and performance opportunities are booked. Reach out to us today and we’ll get started together.

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Bob Rogers Travel