Travel Update
2021 Tours
A message from Todd Rogers regarding our 2021 operations.
Updated 9/15/2020
2021 Travel — FAQ
Are you operating tours in 2021?
As destinations reopen, we plan to operate tours throughout 2021.
How are you keeping travelers safe on tour?
Bob Rogers Travel has developed BRT Cares, our comprehensive safety program for travelers. Learn more about BRT Cares and our commitment to safety at
Is my tour still operating?
If you have not received any updates from Bob Rogers Travel or the group leader at your school, you should plan that your trip is still operating as scheduled. If there are any changes to the status of your trip, they will be communicated as soon as they are finalized.
My trip rescheduled, do I have to purchase new insurance?
No. Your paid package is being shifted to a new date. The insurance covering that package still applies. Your group leader will need your Policy Number in order to have your policy moved to the rescheduled trip. This number can be found on the Confirmation of Benefits that Travel Insured emailed you when you purchased your policy.
If my trip is cancelled, will I receive a refund?
Refunds for full group cancellations will be per our Trip Assurance Program. Full details can be found at
I have been informed that my trip has been cancelled. How do I get a refund?
Information regarding your group’s refund will be communicated via email. In most cases, we will need to receive refunds from our vendor partners before we can process your refund. We estimate the refund process will take 12 – 18 weeks, but will vary based on your group’s specific situation. We truly appreciate your patience during this time and will notify your group leader with any updates.
Travel Insurance — FAQ
If my trip rescheduled, am I able to purchase Cancel For Any Reason insurance?
Cancel For Any Reason insurance must be purachesed with 14 day of the initial trip deposit. Since your depoist date does not change on a rescheuled trip, you will not be able to purchase the CFAR coverage
How do I know if my trip is insured?
You would have received an email confirmation from Travel Insured.
If you are still not sure if you purchased an insurance plan, or if you purchased insurance but not sure
which plan you purchased, please contact Travel Insured by emailing
If you purchased the Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) insurance, email Travel Insured at
How do I file a claim if I purchased Travel Insurance?
If you have purchased Cancel for Any Reason Insurance (CFAR) you may initiate your claim online. For instructions on how to file a claim with Travel Insured International, click here. You will need to wait to finish processing the claim until you receive any refund amount from BRT
I sent the email like instructed and Travel Insured sent me a whole list of information I need to provide. What am I supposed to do? Will I miss my deadline?
The deadline was for opening your claim, which you have done! One of the pieces of information they are asking for is how much you were refunded by Bob Rogers Travel. We are currently working with our vendors and are unable to provide you with an answer right now. As soon as we know more concrete answers for your school in particular, we will inform your group leader to let you know. Thank you for your understanding and patience through these unexpected and unprecedented procedures.
I tried contacting Travel Insured a while ago, why haven’t I heard back from them?
Travel Insured has been overrun with messages and are working diligently to work through them all. They have updated the process on how to open up a claim on their website (instructions here). If you had purchased a policy, you should have a policy number in your email receipts. If you are still unsure if you have a policy, please email and wait for a reply. Thank you for your patience.
Travel Insured says I am not getting any money back. Why not?
This likely means that you did not purchase insurance or you did not purchase the Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) policy and will not be receiving any kind of refund from Travel Insured International. Do not worry, as Bob Rogers Travel is still working on your behalf to try and secure as high of a refund as possible. Talk to your group leader for more details.
My trip rescheduled, do I have to purchase new insurance?
No. Your paid package is being shifted to a new date. The insurance covering that package still applies. Your group leader will need your Policy Number in order to have your policy moved to the rescheduled trip. This number can be found on the Confirmation of Benefits that Travel Insured emailed you when you purchased your policy.
I purchased a policy from Travel Insured International that did not include the cancel for any reason (CFAR) benefit, am I able to get a refund on this policy?
Travel insured international is unable to provide refunds for policies not within their 14-day “look back” period. For questions in regard to this policy please contact
I have been asked to provide my policy number from Travel Insured International – where can I find this?
If you purchased a policy from Travel Insured International’s Customer Care Department ( with a subject line beginning with the words “Travel Insured Plan #”. We recommend doing a search of your emails looking for these identifiers if you need to locate your policy number.
For the health and safety of our team members, we will be operating with a limited in-office staff for the foreseeable future. During this time, we will not be available by phone. However, there are three ways in which you can get in-touch with us:
- Through our website chat at the bottom of this page
- By texting us at 630-824-4343
- By emailing us at
We’re availible to help between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM CST Monday – Thursday (excuding major holidays).